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7 posts tagged with "kubernetes"

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· 5 min read
Quentin Faidide

The baseline cost for a managed Kubernetes cluster at Cloud providers is roughly 90$ to 210$ a month. At AWS and GCP, a good part of that cost is assigned to the control planes on which no workload is executed. If you're on the lookout for cheaper and scalable alternatives at less than 20$ with minimal maintenance, here is how to.

· 9 min read
Quentin Faidide

A few years ago, I stumbled across an interesting problem while designing a protol for master election: what is, given a number of replicas, the probability for them to start a health check that will maintain a constant probability of race condition and pressure on the lock ? In this article, we dive into this problem and find a rather elegant solution.

· 6 min read
Quentin Faidide

Prometheus is an open-source and scalable monitoring and alerting framework, that generally works alongside Kubernetes (but not only). Configuring and operating Prometheus can be a bit of challenge due to its complexity, but past the learning curve and with proper patience, it is a really powerful tool for which no real alternative exists. Community Helm chart and official Manifests do a great job at hidding the inherent complexity of Prometheus and templating its configuration files. In this article, I will walk you through deploying it alongside Grafana.

· 13 min read
Quentin Faidide

Communication with your teammates is probably one of the most important aspect of designing APIs. You need to first ensure that your are on the same page as to what features to deliver, to make it easy for them to discover and try your software, and secondly, to deliver stable services. API specifications are the key to success in the first area, and one of the most widely used format is OpenAPI specifications. This Gitops article shares a simple strategy to automate the writing and deployment process of OpenAPI specs, and making it easy for your team to communicate efficiently.